Working with the Welsh Government

The Company could be producing high quality garments within as little as two months with appropriate support from the Welsh Government.

Specific rationale for Welsh Government to support this venture:

1. Premises have already been identified, and with financial support, Welsh Government will rightly be able to claim they have provided the funding to re-establish the clothing industry in the Rhondda Valley. Without Welsh Government funding the detailed business plan will continue with funding identified from alternative sources, albeit at a slower pace;

2. With support, Treorchy Sewing Enterprise has the expertise to bid commercially, on a fair work basis, for clothing contracts within Transport for Wales Rail Services, the NHS and other public services. Preferred supplier status would be desirable in the short term during start up and, as the proven expertise already exists within TSE, high quality clothing ‘Made in Wales’could be produced within weeks;

3. Treorchy Sewing Enterprise has good relations with existing established clothing manufacturers in North Wales and South West Wales, providing additional access to high cost specialist machines immediately and ensuring all orders can be delivered and to the same high quality on an open book agreement, whilst sharing economic growth throughout Wales.


Links to the Past


The Aims of the Company